Travel ‘Round the World On A Rescue Adventure with the Little Einsteins!
Join the Little Einsteins as they embark on four rescue-themed adventures in LITTLE EINSTEINS: FIRE TRUCK ROCKET’S BLAST OFF premiering on Disney DVD September 8, 2009. In this latest installment of fascinating adventures that includes a never-before-seen episode and the Magic Mission viewing mode, the Little Einsteins set out on rescue missions that take place in all corners of the world. In never-before-seen episode Fire Truck Rocket, it’s Rocket’s latest transformation: Fire Truck Rocket. The Einsteins rush to rescue an adorable monkey from an erupting volcano on the tropical island of Java. They will need all of Rocket’s rescue gadgets including his rescue Spreader (jaws of life), rescue Ladder and rescue Hose to cool down the rumbling volcano.
Other episodes include Melody the Music Pet which features the Little Einsteins
in France, watching animals board the special train that takes pets to their new
homes. One particular cuddly creature stands out – Melody, the Music Pet. However, Melody can’t find her golden ticket for the train. Leo and team promise to help Melody find her missing ticket, and the mission takes them over Monet’s famous painting of lily pads, through the French countryside and to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
In Carmine’s Big Race, the Little Einsteins are in Monaco at a grand prix to cheer for Quincy’s friend Carmine, the music car. The other cars don’t think Carmine has what it takes to win the race, but with the help of the Einsteins, he just might take home the Grand Prix trophy. The team explores the Patagonia region of South America in Mr. Penguin’s Ice Cream Adventure. When an ice cream train being driven by Mr. Penguin to his best friend’s birthday party breaks down, Rocket transforms himself into a train to pull the big load of ice cream. Afterwards, the team must dig past a huge rock, put a musical bridge back together and chug over the Andes Mountains.
The Magic Mission Viewing Mode let viewers use their remote to answer fun questions about colors, shapes and sizes.
About Little Einsteins
Originally created as a television series specifically for preschoolers in 2005, Disney Little Einsteins was developed with child development experts and musicians. The lovable and diverse cast of Little Einsteins – Leo, June, Quincy, Annie and Rocket – each bring a special talent to the group of spirited adventurers. Leo is six years old, loves music, and is the conductor of the group. Annie is four years old and Leo’s sister. She loves to sing and can make up a song on the spot. She’s also the only one who can fly Rocket all by herself. Quincy is an instrument virtuoso who plays any instrument he gets his hands on. He’s five years old and especially likes the trumpet and violin. Quincy tells great jokes as well! June is six years old and loves dancing. Her leaps, spins and twirls help change the direction of each mission. Rocket is the best friend of all
four children. He has lots of gadgets, and can transform himself into anything imaginable. Visit www.littleeinsteins.com for more information.
STREET DATE: September 8, 2009
Direct prebook: July 14, 2009
Distributor prebook: July 28, 2009
Suggested retail price: U.S. $19.99, Canada $24.99
Aspect ratio: Full Screen 1.33:1
Rated: US: TV-Y, Canada: G
Total episode run time: 88 Minutes
Languages: English, Spanish, French audio
DVD Bonus Features: Magic Mission Viewing Modes
My kids were a bit older when The Little Einstein's first aired in 2005, but I've been aware of the show since it's inception. I have tons of friends with preschoolers and have heard nothing but positive (even glowing!) reviews of this show. I decided I'd watch for myself because I have nieces and nephews and dozens of friends who are preschool-aged and I'm always looking for fun videos to share with them.
This DVD was so much fun! I viewed in all three different watch and play methods (Fastplay, Magic Mission Mode 1 and Magic Mission Mode 2). I enjoyed the different questions and think it would be fabulous for kids age 2-6. The episodes were really cute and funny and I enjoyed Annie's songs!
I really would have loved this show for my children when they were younger and if you have preschoolers, I would highly recommend this fun DVD!
How did I miss this review? I was wondering if this one was any good. We have, um, ALL the others. It ws Liam's first favorite show and now is Lily's too. *sniff* Ooooooh memories!
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