Bonus Features
• Hat Chat – Cast members Shailene, Daren, Ken, Megan, Greg, Francia and India answer crazy questions they draw from a hat. Yes, a hat.
• Sneak Peek of Season 4
• Make It Or Break It – Pilot Episode
You know I love a good "viewer discretion advised" program, so this show seemed like it would be right up my alley. The secret focus is a teen girl named Amy, her unexpected pregnancy, and her family, their relationships and friends. Plus I heard that Molly Ringwald was in it (she's Amy's mom) and I adore her, so it was already a win even before watching it.
Isn't she adorable even now? I'm never tired of her.
I hadn't seen the series before now, so I feel like I should have already know a lot of things. Overall, I really enjoyed the shows. I sometimes felt like the character of Amy was unrealistic, but then I remembered that this is a teenager and a teenage character. Teenagers ARE often unrealistic and whiny about things. I snorted when she complained about being a teen mom and missing out on everything...that's just one of those sacrifices of motherhood, right? Of course most teenagers probably wouldn't get the ramifications. Also, this does seem like a very "small town" kind of show...everyone is everyone's business. I'm not sure teenagers would care that much about someone's dad's vasectomy. But it does make for addictive television.
I did let my children watch some of these episodes, as I do think it's important to point out to them at every available opportunity that getting pregnant at a young age is something you DO NOT WANT TO DO. If you have younger kiddos, you might want to take precautions when watching this- it's rated TV14 and they do talk about sex and sexual topics frequently. It's a show that could be used as a teaching tool for kids if you watch it with them and discuss it. I probably wouldn't just let them watch it alone, though.
If you'd like to get caught up on the series ABC family is airing a marathon on January 3rd and 4th. Check it out!
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